Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Little Panic and BIG Thank You

My little brother was involved in a car accident this past week. He broke his leg pretty bad, but otherwise is ok. My mom called to let me know that he'd been in a wreck and I sort of went into freak out mode. I went to the scene of the wreck since it was close to my home. Let me just say, accident scenes are WAY worse to view in the dark...and a trillion times worse when you know someone you love is involved. I had to park almost a half mile a way and run to get to him. Wait, let me tell the truth--I had to run with my pajamas on. The ones that kept falling off my butt. I do NOT promote leaving your home in pajamas ever, but if you must--dress them up with your brown flats like I did. :) Anyways--back to the original point here. As I approached the car, there were paramedics and firemen/women everywhere. They initially thought they may need the life flight, which sent me into a total panic. I really think if one can black out and remain standing--I probably did just that. Then I heard my little, tiny, baby, 6 foot tall, 21 year old brother say "I'm ok!" THANK THE LORD! I ended up riding in the EMS with him and keeping our parents posted as to what was going on during the drive to the hospital. Never losing his well known sense of humor, the kid asked the EMS driver to make a detour through Taco Bell before taking him to the ER. :) Always the funny guy, this kid.

He's ok now. He has the coolest, grossest bruise I've ever seen, and is now equiped with some metal hardware in his thigh, but ok. I think all of the big sisterly abuse I gave him as a child made him so tough.

I just have to say THANK YOU to all of the rescue workers who were there that night to help him and his buddies out! Everyone was calm and helpful. They treated me with respect and never left me guessing what was going on. I have several friends who volunteer as firefighters and EMTs, and I never realized how hard their job truly is. Even though Clint has "just" a broken leg, those flashing lights are burned into my head from that night. I don't know how these workers leave their own families to willingly put themselves in danger to help others. But, I'm definitely glad they do! :)

Charlie, always wanting to be like his uncle, shows off his own "ouchie". 

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